On Wednesday night, several lovely ladies gathered for the First Years' Social. Led by our newly elected representatives, Makana and Lori, the night started with "Speed Dating."
After a few rounds of "Speed Dating," Lori took the floor to share a vision to guide the first year spouses. Her remarks focused on being prepared and having a vision for our future. We are each here, at this time, and in this place for a reason. Yes, things may be hard, but this is a great training ground and we can foster great friendships throughout our time here with the MBA program.
In conclusion Lori shared this mission statement/vision for the First Year Spouses:
"We are a group of women and men who are strong and confident in their ability to lead in their families, communities, and wards. We do not merely survive these next few years - we thrive. We are true friends who serve, build, and include each other. We are purposeful in our personal and spiritual growth and development. We use our time in MBASA to "mount up with wings as eagles." We don't run from the trial. We face it head on. We fly into the storm with confidence knowing that we can and will rise aboue. We support each other as we face the fierce winds of adversity. We are preparing to fly."
Wrapping up the evening, we went around the circle as spouses shared what they love most about MBASA and the MBA program and what has been the hardest about having a spouse in the program thus far.
It was a great evening for getting to know first years - only 1 1/2 years until graduation and many more fun activities to come!