Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ugly Sweater and Egg Nog Date Night 9.29.2012

The Service and Fellowship Committees banded together to put on a great date night party that included ugly sweaters and egg nog. Each couple donated canned food for charity as the price of their admittance and enjoyed modeling their sweaters, eating delicious food, and celebrating the holidays together. Thanks to everyone who put this activity together!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Go Team MBASA!

The spouses were not to be left out of intermurals this season! 
This fall, teams participated in Flag Football (obviously), volleyball and soccer. 
Way to go Ladies!!

RHD { Nov 3, 2012 }

It was a clear, bright, and slightly chilly Saturday.
Hammers could be heard on the air and in Payson that morning, an entire block of homes was being constructed. The MBA and their spouses/dates came out in full force ready to help the RHD Program build homes. Everything from cleaning the grounds to putting in windows and building up walls were to be seen. 

Thank you Service and Fellowship Committee for putting this together. 
And  A BIG thank you to everyone who was able to come and help make the day a success!